Why, you ask?

This is a combination of journal, memoires, thoughts, and ideas. This is not meant as a flex, or to be self aggrandizing, I’m simply trying to organize my thoughts in some sort of cohesive structure. Some of this will be in story format, and that may come with all the rose colored lenses that influence our collective perception of recollection. I think that I may want to write some of these thoughts and memories down before they are lost to the sands of time.

A blog seems to be an appropriate format for a Gen X geek like me. I have no idea where this leads as far as entertainment quality. I’m writing this for me, but if it sounds interesting to you by all means read along.

At the time of this writing, I am looking to find my way back into tech employment. In the process of writing several iterations of my resume, I have come to the conclusion that it is impossible for me to explain where I have been since before the Covid-19 pandemic. Maybe, I can figure out how to explain it in the writing of this blog. Either way, this is already challenging what organizational skills that I believed that I posses.

I don’t believe that I could write this out in static format. Hopefully, the dynamic nature of blogging will lend itself to whatever this turns into. If you are with me this far, welcome to the madness.